Rachel Scidmore
About Me
Rachel Scidmore is a senior at Milledgeville High School. She has been in FFA since she was a freshman and 4-H since she was she was 9. In her FFA chapter Rachel holds a Vice President title and in 4-H she is president. She is also a part of the Northwest Holstein Association where she competes in dairy bowl. Her family owns a dairy farm in rural Chadwick and this is where she spends the majority of her time, working with the cows and calves as well as any other animals on the farm. She has 2 sisters and a brother, all younger than her. After high school she plans to attend a community college then transfer to a 4-year school and continue to learn about the dairy industry/business and where she could be most beneficial with her skills.
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My Featured Journal Entries
After coming back to class finally on Tuesday I felt like I had missed so much. When you are in class it doesn’t seem like things change much day to day but after I had returned everything seemed different. Both class projects had made considerable progress which I was glad to see. I am excited to see where our businesses go. Listening to Chandra talk this week at Remax was my favorite visit this week. I was surprised about the advice that she gave us about taking the jobs that seem maybe not so fun right now. I haven’t heard that before, but her reason made sense. It’s about the experience sometimes and not always the little picture you’ll get out of it. I also found it relatable when she talked about taking her job as a real estate agent home and her parents were not pleased. It is difficult for me to stand up to my parents too, although its not a big problem right now since I am still a kid and under their rule. When I get older and make a decision about what I want to do for my life I will need to learn to stand up for what makes me happy and what is best for me. From now on whenever I am doing something I will use the goal setting plan Chandra explained including a stretch goal will make me strive for the best, not just good enough.
“Good is the enemy of great.’ I really like this quote from Jason Roe because it makes me think of all the things I can improve. Improvement is important, in fact it’s more than important it’s mandatory. If you never improve then your life will always be the same. Nobody is going to improve my life for me. I have to do that job by myself because no one else is going to improve it the way I want to either. Although some days I wonder if I even know how I want to improve my life. There are some things that are obvious such as, treat other in a kinder way today or do that thing you’ve been putting off for a while now. Other concerns may be a bit more major like college or career choices. Now that a month and a half of my senior year is over I think about these ideas every day. I think about what would be a better path, how can I help everyone around me. I think about others and then I have to think back to me, is that really what I want? Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. Something I say quite often to my parents is that I will try to, I am going to start leaving that try out, it’s silly to say that because it’s either I will or won’t. If I do try, then I will do it.