Wednesday's Bring A Friend week in CEO class was halted with a weather related e-learning day. But so far, West students have enjoyed learning about leadership from Dr. David Hellmich ...

Wednesday's Bring A Friend week in CEO class was halted with a weather related e-learning day. But so far, West students have enjoyed learning about leadership from Dr. David Hellmich ...

Dr. Kelly Mandrell has accomplished a lot in the world of education, but her family is the accomplishment she’s most proud of, and that’s exactly how she began this morning’s ...

Dr. Kelly Mandrell has accomplished a lot in the world of education, but her family is the accomplishment she’s most proud of, and that’s exactly how she began this morning’s ...

Instead of the usual Mentor Day photos featuring mentees and adults hard at work, we decided on a group picture! It was a great day for each student to talk through the success and ...

Instead of the usual Mentor Day photos featuring mentees and adults hard at work, we decided on a group picture! It was a great day for each student to talk through the success and ...

Where to start! First of all, this is definitely a photo dump of the West CEO students leading up to and the night of Horses and Hats. (I always wish I’d taken more pics!!!!) It is an ...

Where to start! First of all, this is definitely a photo dump of the West CEO students leading up to and the night of Horses and Hats. (I always wish I’d taken more pics!!!!) It is an ...

A small but mighty group today! They worked their tails off setting up our venue for next week’s BIG BOGUS BINGO event. There was time before they had to get to their high schools, so ...

A small but mighty group today! They worked their tails off setting up our venue for next week’s BIG BOGUS BINGO event. There was time before they had to get to their high schools, so ...

Now that the sales portion of our event is over, Horses and Hats has been busy with the evening's details; emcee, silent auction, dessert dash, registration table, decorations. We ...

Now that the sales portion of our event is over, Horses and Hats has been busy with the evening's details; emcee, silent auction, dessert dash, registration table, decorations. We ...

In the middle of their Horses and Hats event preparations, West CEO class squeezed in a very important visit to Sauk Valley Bank. The team of Vanessa Wahl, Travis McBride, Andy ...

In the middle of their Horses and Hats event preparations, West CEO class squeezed in a very important visit to Sauk Valley Bank. The team of Vanessa Wahl, Travis McBride, Andy ...

Next week is the East class business event! There is still time to purchase your ticket. It is NOT your typical Bingo, some come out for a fun night and see what CEO is all ...

Next week is the East class business event! There is still time to purchase your ticket. It is NOT your typical Bingo, some come out for a fun night and see what CEO is all ...

Last call: Horses and Hats, Dashing to the Derby Use the link below to buy your $35 ticket to the West CEO class business event. Thank you Sam Ramirez for the radio ...

Last call: Horses and Hats, Dashing to the Derby Use the link below to buy your $35 ticket to the West CEO class business event. Thank you Sam Ramirez for the radio ...

Things are moving right along with business plan preparation, and the SBDC plays a huge role in helping CEO students get prepared for "Bankers Day." Pam Clodfelter, a business advisor ...

Things are moving right along with business plan preparation, and the SBDC plays a huge role in helping CEO students get prepared for "Bankers Day." Pam Clodfelter, a business advisor ...

Ticket deadline is Thursday, January 30th. We are one week away!!! Join us for a fun way to support the CEO West!

Ticket deadline is Thursday, January 30th. We are one week away!!! Join us for a fun way to support the CEO West!

United Way of Whiteside County Executive Director Keri Olson hosted the West CEO Class on Monday morning. She started the morning with a creative activity challenging students to draw ...

United Way of Whiteside County Executive Director Keri Olson hosted the West CEO Class on Monday morning. She started the morning with a creative activity challenging students to draw ...